Active K8 's Threat Intel Analysis

Our Experience

After many years in the industry we decided to alter direction. Now, we share our experience to help others. Our "ACE" methodology is designed to empower your ability to determine the state of your operational security and to ascertain whether or not your personnel and/or enterprise is currently compromised and if so what is at risk and what to do about it. As such we specialize in:

  • Native Cloud - Kubernetes Security Audits

  • Secure GitOPS Development guidance

  • Custom ENDPOINT Monitoring

  • RED ZONE - Custom Compromise Assessments

  • Sensitive Site Exploitation Surveys

  • Threat Analysis & Supportive Structured State Detection

  • Incident Deconstruction & Artifact Forensics

Our Approach

Reputation is everything. Our consulting service and "ACE" methodology identifies gaps and opportunities, while conducting comprehensive threat assessments that include identifiable project milestones, counter exploitation recommendations and a comprehensive cost analysis.

Our "ACE" paradigm is designed for the individual not the system. Its all about you!

To insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish...

WORDS TO LIVE BY and therefore our mission starts with realizing, ITS ALL ABOUT YOU, THE INDIVIDUAL! and how SECURE you are to LIVE your LIFE.

Why Us?

Adversaries, may HIDE but eventually they have to RUN!

We offer a paradigm of quality procedures to:

  • Emulate Automated Adversary Tactics

  • Identify Rogue Processes and Behaviors

  • Perform Threat Analysis and Finite State Verification

  • Conduct Forensic Reviews of Artifacts

  • Detect Evidence of Execution